Just recently finished a closeboard built in site fence with 1ft trellis on top.
Just recently finished a closeboard built in site fence with 1ft trellis on top.
Just completed a job in Knebworth, comprising of a pair of BenningtonĀ tongued and grooved gates, supported by timber gate posts.
Just completed another 3ft high pointed top picket fence, supported by timber posts at a property in Stevenage.
Just completed a closeboard fence supported by concrete mortised posts and gravel boards, at a property in Hatfield.
Just finished a job installing 6ft high green chainlink on black angle iron posts across end of a rear garden at a property in Hatfield.
Just finished a job in Harpenden, comprising of tongued and grooved panels, set on timber gravel boards and supported by 4in x 4in timber crown topped planed all round posts. 1ft diamond trellis was fitted on top of panels.
A new Benington gate was also fitted along with a new 10ft x 6ft super pent shed.
I am delighted with the fencing and very much appreciated the care and consideration taken by Simon in its installation.
Yours Sincerely
Mrs Dorricott.
Just finished another job erecting 1.8mt high closeboard fencing built in situ style, supported by timber morticed posts.
Just completed another job in Hertfordshire, comprising of 1.5mt high St Melior panels set on 12in high concrete gravel boards, supported by slotted concrete posts.
Just completed a Watton gate in Stevenage made to measure size, supported by four way weathered timber posts.