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Closeboard Fencing In Bengeo

We supplied and installed new fencing works along side of this residential property, which included 22 metres of new closeboard built in situ fencing constructed with 6 metres of 1.35mt high closeboard fencing consisting of mortised concrete posts and 150mm concrete gravel boards continuing with 16mt’s of 1.8mt high closeboard fencing consisting of mortised concrete posts and 150mm concrete gravel boards.

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Another Testomonial Letter

Dear Sir

Jarrett Fencing supplied and fitted three 3ft high panel fencing supported by timber posts. They also removed an old hedge from the front garden, its a great improvement.

The men were very polite and tidy.

Thank you Jarrett fencing

Yours Sincerely

J.M Tilbury

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St Melior Panels In Letchworth

We have just supplied and installed 1050mt high St Melior panels supported by 6in concrete gravel boards and slotted concrete posts around customers front garden, along with a matching St Melior gate fully furnished, and closeboard panels supported by concrete gravel boards and slotted concrete posts in rear garden.

We also supplied and installed  two St Melior trellis to form a shed shelter area, and supplied only a 1.8mt high St Melior gate for customers own use.