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Jarvis Homes In Harpenden

We regularywork for Jarvis homes and on this occasion it was 2 jobs in Harpenden.

Job 1:

We supplied and installed

 2 x 3mt x 300mm trellis ( small squares) to right hand side of fence using metal post extenders, plus 7ft high trellis to complete rear fence scribed between the posts and secured to the arris rails and post so that the top line is approx 300mm above the existing trellis.

Job 2:

We supplied and installed

1 x 7ft high P.A.R wall plate bolted to wall

 1 x 9ft high P.A.R post bolted to wall

1 x 2ft1 inch high bow top trellis panel made from kiln drilled P.A.R battens with 1 inch open squares and attached between the post and wall plate.

Job 3:

1 x 4in x 4in post screwed to concrete post

1 x wall plate

1 x 1.75m x .945m wide closeboard gate with galvanised fittings.

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Closeboard Panels Concrete Posts And Gravel Boards In Walkern

Re. Fencing across the end of rear garden:

We replaced existing fencing across end of rear garden with four 3ft6in high x 6ft wide pre made closeboard panels and one 3ft6in high x made to measure width closeboard panel, and one be-spoke framed ledged and braced closeboard gate fully furnished.The first panel to be set on a 6in high concrete gravel board, with the remaining panels to be set on 12in high concrete gravel boards, as required to keep the fence level on top, all supported by slotted concrete posts.

Re. Fencing across the right hand side of rear garden:

Starting from the end fence, to replace the existing fencing with two x 3ft6in high pre made closeboard panels, set on concrete gravel boards, as required to match the height at the end of the fence, continuing with three x 3ft6in high and one x 5ft6in high pre made closeboard panels, all set on 6in high concrete gravel boards, and supported by slotted concrete posts.

Re. Fence along the left hand side of the rear garden:

Starting from the end fence, to replace the existing fencing with two x 3ft6in high pre made closeboard panels, set on concrete gravel boards, as required to match the height at the end of the fence, continuing with one x 3ft6in high and one 5ft6in high pre made closeboard panels, all set on 6in high concrete gravel boards, and supported by slotted concrete posts.